State-of-the-Art Solutions
After many years of utilizing and developing advanced laser diagnostics, Spectral Energies now offers several commercial products that are ready for installation in laboratories dedicated to research in thermal-fluids, propulsion, combustion, chemical engineering, plasma science, and materials science. The products include kHz-MHz-rate burst-mode MOPA source lasers to replace high-power 10-Hz Nd:YAG systems as well as complete diagnostic systems such as portable coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering, simultaneous kHz-rate planar laser-induced fluorescence and particle image velocimetry, and hyperspectral diode-laser absorption sensors. Contact us today to determine which system is right for your unique research needs.
Two-Leg Burst-Mode Laser Systems (Quasimodo 2x)
Two-leg burst-mode laser system is the brand new in SE product line that concurrently generates two laser beams with different wavelengths at kHz rate. These lasers are perfectly suitable for simultaneous measurement of multiple parameters; e.g., correlated measurement of PIV and LIF. The output energy is tunable. Please contact us for your energy needs.

Compact PIV Burst-Mode Laser Systems
Another new product QuasiModo (small) burst-mode laser system is available for particle-image velocimetry. The output energy is tunable. Please contact us for your energy needs. The laser is available for US customers.
Burst-Mode MOPA Laser Systems
Spectral Energies’ state-of-the-art burst-mode Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) lasers can directly replace 10-Hz Nd:YAG lasers for use in kHz to MHz rate 2-D and 3-D fluorescence, Raman, velocity, and particle incandescence imaging.

Portable CARS System
This mobile ps-CARS system provides the benefits of non-intrusive, accurate measurements of temperature and species concentrations available for use in combustors, gas-turbine engines, and other harsh optical environments.
Hyperspectral Absorption Sensor
Spectral Energies’ hyperspectral absorption sensor can be used to measure gas properties (T, P, Xi) with sufficient bandwidth to resolve the dynamics present in real-world devices.

High-Speed PLIF & PIV
Spectral Energies offers commercially available high-speed planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) and particle image velocimetry (PIV) systems, including lasers, cameras, breadboards, software, electronics, and optics customized for your test conditions.