Engineering / Management Consulting

Spectral Energies is specialized in Mechanical, Aerospace, Chemical, Electrical, and Computer Science engineering related projects. Its customers include U.S. Department of Defense (Air Force, Navy, Army), NASA, Department of Energy, National Institute of Health, and Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Its scientists, engineers, and managers worked with aerospace industries such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing Corp., GE Aviation, and Pratt & Whitney and academic institutions such as Princeton, Purdue, Syracuse, Georgia Tech, Univ. of Notre Dame, Florida State, OSU (The Ohio State Univ.), and ASU (Arizona State Univ.) on wide varieties of projects. These projects inlude but not limited to Aircraft Jet Noise, Aero-Optics, advanced laser based diagnostics, medical and environmental devices/sensors, gas turbine propulsion, UAVs (unmanned air vehicles), and wind tunnel model design and characterizations. 

Spectral Energies won more than 100 projects with the above customers over the past 10 years and it has managed all the projects impeccably and diligently. It also has experience on tech transition, commercialization, project planning, and reporting.

Spectral Energies is well positioned to solve engineering and management problems with its internal workforce and external associates. It is eager to listen to the challenges and problems faced by the scientific, engineering, and management community and to come up with innovative solutions. Please contact us via email ( or via phone (937-266-9570/937-902-6546).