Category: Laser sources
Quasi-Continuous Burst-Mode Laser for High-Speed Planar Imaging
Group-Velocity-Dispersion Measurements of Atmospheric and Combustion-Related Gases using an Ultrabroadband-Laser Source
Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection of Hydroxyl (OH) Radical by Femtosecond Excitation
Single-Shot Gas-Phase Thermometry using Pure-Rotational Hybrid Femtosecond/Picosecond Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering
One-Dimensional Single-Shot Thermometry in Flames using Femtosecond-CARS Line Imaging
Application of Time-Division-Multiplexed Lasers for Measurements of Gas Temperature and CH4 and H2O Concentrations at 30 kHz in a High-Pressure Combustor
Ultrafast Time-Gated Ballistic-Photon Imaging and Shadowgraphy in Optically Dense Rocket Sprays