kHz-Rate Particle-Image Velocimetry of Induced Instability in Premixed Propane/Air Flame by Millisecond Pulsed Current-Voltage

J.B. Schmidt, S.K. Kostka, S. Roy, J.R. Gord, and B. Ganguly, Combust. Flame, 160 (2), 276–284 (2013).

Large-Aperture, Tapered Fiber-Coupled, 10-kHz Particle-Image Velocimetry

P.S. Hsu, S. Roy, N. Jiang, and J.R. Gord, Opt. Express 21 (3) 3617–3626 (2013).

Laser beams

Cross-Plane Thermal Properties of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

C. Muratore, V. Varshney, J.J. Gengler, J.J. Hu, J.E. Bultman, T.M. Smith, P.J. Shamberger, B. Qio, X. Ruan, A.K. Roy, and A.A. Voevodin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (8), 081604 (2013).

A Low-Dimensional Approach to Closed-Loop Control of a Mach 0.6 Jet

K.R. Low, Z.P. Berger, S.K. Kostka, B. ElHadidi, S.P. Gogineni, and M.N. Glauser, Exp. Fluids 54, 1484 (2013).

Saturation of Vibrational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Mediated by Saturation of the Rotational Raman Transition

A.K. Patnaik, S. Roy, and J.R. Gord, Phys. Rev. A 87 (4) 043801 (2013).

Measurements of Multiple Gas Parameters in a Pulsed-Detonation Combustor using Time-Division-Multiplexed Fourier-Domain Mode-Locked Lasers

A.W. Caswell, S. Roy, X. An, S.T. Sanders, F.R. Schauer, and J.R. Gord, Appl. Opt. 52 (12) 2893–2904 (2013).

Laser beamsSensors

Investigation of Optical Fibers for High-Repetition-Rate, Ultraviolet Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence of OH

P.S. Hsu, W.D. Kulatilaka, S. Roy, and J.R. Gord, Appl. Opt. 52 (13) 3108–3115 (2013).

Laser beams

Plasmonic Resonance-Enhanced Local Photothermal Energy Deposition by Aluminum Nanoparticles

X. Chong, N. Jiang, Z. Zhang, S. Roy, and J.R. Gord, J. Nanopart. Res. 15 (6) 1678 (2013).

Molecular Dynamics Studies of Thermal Boundary Resistance at Carbon–Metal Interfaces

S.V. Shenogin, J.J. Gengler, A.K. Roy, A.A. Voevodin, and C. Muratore, Scripta Materiala 69 (1), 100–103 (2013).

Spatially and Temporally Resolved Temperature and Shock-Speed Measurements behind a Laser-Induced Blast Wave of Energetic Nanoparticles

S. Roy, N. Jiang, H.U. Stauffer, J.B. Schmidt, W.D. Kulatilaka, T.R. Meyer, C.E. Bunker, and J.R. Gord, J. Appl. Phys. 113 (18) 184310 (2013).