Spatial and Temporal Control of On-Demand Propane–Air Flame Ignition by Active Photothermal Effect of Aluminum Nanoenergetics

J.E. Abboud, N. Jiang, Z. Zhang, S. Roy, and J.R. Gord, Combust. Flame 160 (9) 1842–1847 (2013).

Growth, Structure, and Thermal Conductivity of Yttria-Stabilized Hafnia Thin Films

C.V. Ramana, M.N.-A. Alam, J.J. Gengler, and J.G. Jones, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 4 (1), 200–204 (2012).

Review of Infrared Detectors by Antoni Rogalski, (2nd ed.)

S. Roy, J.C. Moeller, and J.R. Gord, Opt. Laser Eng. 50 (2), 105–106 (2012).

Interference-Free Gas-Phase Thermometry at Elevated Pressure using Hybrid Femtosecond/Picosecond Rotatational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering

J.D. Miller, C.E. Dedic, S. Roy, J.R. Gord, and T.R. Meyer, Opt. Express 20 (5), 5003–5010 (2012).

Raman scattering

Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Instability Dynamics in a Rijke Tube

A.C. Noble, G.B. King, N.M. Laurendeau, J.R. Gord, and S. Roy, Combust. Sci. Technol. 184 (3), 293–322 (2012).

Temperature Driven Evolution of Thermal, Electrical, and Optical Properties of Ti–Al–N Coatings

R. Rachbauer, J.J. Gengler, A.A. Voevodin, K. Resch, and P.H. Mayrhofer, Acta Materiala 60 (5), 2091–2096 (2012).

Communication: Hybrid Femtosecond/Picosecond Rotational Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering Thermometry using a Narrowband Time-Asymmetric Probe Pulse

H.U. Stauffer, J.D. Miller, S. Roy, J.R. Gord, and T.R. Meyer, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 111101 (2012).

Two-Color Time-Domain Thermoreflectance of Various Metal Transducers with an Optical Parametric Oscillator

J.J. Gengler, S. Roy, J.G. Jones, and J.R. Gord, Meas. Sci. Technol. 23 (5), 055205 (2012).

Quasi-Continuous Burst-Mode Laser for High-Speed Planar Imaging

M.N. Slipchenko, J.D. Miller, S. Roy, J.R. Gord, S.A. Danczyk, and T.R. Meyer, Opt. Lett. 37 (8), 1346–1348 (2012).

Laser sources